Key Features

An area with such a complex and biodiverse ecosystem can only be expected to be of major importance. There are numerous reasons why The Great Barrier Reef should be maintained. First of all the region provides a home to thousands of different species, some of which are endemic. All species provide some sort of function to an ecosystem. They can capture and store energy, produce & decompose organic material, and basically are the fundamentals of a healthy ecosystem. 

The region benefits humankind by providing many important economic commodities.  It supplies food and jobs to the surrounding communities. In fact reef industries, have contributed approximately $5.8 billion to the Australian economy in 2004 and employed about 63 thousand people.80% of the land along the reef supports agriculture from fisheries to cattle grazing to crops.

Because the reef is home to thousands of different species some of which are endemic its medical advantages are quite significant. With plenty of rare species inhabiting the area, it is of great interest to scientists and medical communities because treatments can be found. Currently treatments for cancer, AIDS, asthma, arthritis, and several other infections are being researched from organisms found in coral reefs.

The scientific benefits of biodiversity are also quite significant. With the rich speciation of species, scientists have the capability to gain more knowledge on what and how life has evolved in such ecosystems and what will continue to evolve on earth.